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陈建功大讲堂:The nilpotent bifurcations in a model for generalist predatory mite and pest leafhopper with stage structure

来源 : 杭州师范大学 数学学院     作者 : 谢雪     浏览量:121     时间 : 2022-05-05


报告题目: The nilpotent bifurcations in a model for generalist predatory mite and pest leafhopper with stage structure

主讲人:朱怀平 加拿大约克大学


报告地点: 腾讯会议:311-723-008     密码:123456

报告摘要: Bifurcation and complex dynamics have seen more applications in biological systems. In this talk, I will present an example from pest control in a tea garden. The tea green leafhopper Empoasca onukii is an insect pest threatening the tea production, and the mite Anystis baccarum has been used as an agent for pest control. In this talk, I will present a generalist predator-prey model with stage structure for prey to explore the bifurcations and complex dynamics of tea green leafhopper pest and predatory mite. I will explain the bifurcations and dynamics of the three-dimensional nonlinear system, including saddle-node bifurcation of codimension 1 and 2, Hopf bifurcation, Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation, and bifurcations of nilpotent singularities of elliptic and focus type of codimension 3. In the end, I will also explain the connections with the study of the cubic Liénard system. This is a joint work with Pei Yuan.

报告人简介: Dr. Huaiping Zhu, Professor and York University Research chair in Applied Mathematics of York University. His research fields include dynamical systems and differential equations; bifurcation theory and applications; Hilbert's sixteenth problem; mathematical ecology and epidemiology; climate change modelling and impact studies; and developing mathematical models, theories, methodologies and tools for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. He is the Director of the Canadian Centre for Diseases Modeling (CCDM), Director of the Canadian NSERC One Health Modeling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI), and Director of the Laboratory of Mathematical Parallel Systems (LAMPS) at York University. His research has been supported by NSERC, CIHR, CFI, PHAC and ministries of Ontario.


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