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陈建功大讲堂:Dynamical Thresholds for the Hartree Equation with a Perturbation

来源 : 杭州师范大学 数学学院     作者 : 谢雪     浏览量:30     时间 : 2022-05-05


报告题目:Dynamical Thresholds for the Hartree Equation with a Perturbation

报告人:朱世辉 教授


腾讯会议:221 325 266

摘要: This paper assesses the blow-up solutions for the Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a Hartree-type nonlinearity together with a power-type subcritical perturbation. The precisely sharp energy thresholds for blow-up and global existence are obtained by analyzing potentially valid structures for associated functionals. Furthermore, the dynamical properties of blow-up solutions are obtained by the variational arguments. This work joint with Tian Shuai, Yang Ying, Zhou Rui.

报告人简介:朱世辉,四川师范大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选。已主持国家自然科学基金项目3项(天元,青年,面上),四川省杰出青年基金(培育)等项目。主要从事非线性Schrodinger方程爆破解动力学性质研究,已在《J. Differential Equations》、《J. Mathematical Physics》、《J. Dynamics and Differential Equations》、《Dynamics of PDE》、《Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications》、《中国科学》等国内外专业学术刊物上发表论文20余篇, 并多次被国内外专家引用,SCI他引180余次,包括国际著名学者G. Fibich的专著(《The Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation: Singular Solutions and Optical Collapse》,Springer, 2015)等, 曾获四川省科技进步三等奖。


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