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陈建功大讲堂:Counting derangements by exceedances and right-to-left minima

来源 : 数学学院     作者 : 谢雪     浏览量:1     时间 : 2022-05-16


报告题目:Counting derangements by exceedances and right-to-left minima

报告人:曾江 教授


腾讯会议: 643 141 657

摘要:We will present some recent results and problems related to the enumerative polynomials of the (signed) derangements by exceedances and right-to-left minima. After a short presentation of the background, we show how to use an explict continued fraction expansion of the ordinary generating function of these polynomials to confirm several recent observations of Alexandersson and Getachew (2021). We then identify the corresponding orthogonal polynomials in terms of the (associated) Laguerre polynomials. Furthermore we generalize Alexandersson and Getachew's formula for a multivariable refinement of the above polynomials. This talk is based on joint work with Yanni Pei.

报告人简介:曾江,法国里昂第一大学教授,博士生导师,师从于组合数学国际权威 Dominique Foata教授。他曾是美国普林斯顿高等研究院的访问学者。主要研究组合数学、特殊函数、数论,在Journal of Combinaotrial Theory Series A, Advances in Applied MathematicsTransactions of the American Mathematical SocietyProceedings of the London Mathematical SocietySIAM Journal on Discrete MathematicsSIAM Journal on Mathematical AnalysisJournal of Number Theory等权威期刊发表学术论文100多篇,现任杂志 Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire编委,Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory的主编。


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