个人简介:2013年7月毕业于南京大学数学系,获理学博士学位,师从丁南庆教授。主要从事同调代数与代数表示理论等领域的研究,研究内容涉及高维同调理论、模型范畴理论与Gorenstein同调理论等。在Israel J. Math.,Quarterly J. Math., J. Algebr,J. Pure Appl. Algebra,Sci. China. Math. 等重要SCI期刊上发表论文40多篇;多次在一些有影响的国际国内会议上作大会报告。例如,2023 年第 9 届中日韩国际环论会议1小时邀请报告、第十六届全国代数学学术会议45分钟邀请报告;主持国家级科研项目3项,省部级科研项目2项。
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,Gorenstein同调与模型范畴,12171206, 2022/01-2025/12,51万,在研,主持;
[2] 国家自然科学基金天元项目,导出范畴与Gorenstein同调理论,12126424,2022/01-2022/12,20万,已完成,主持;
[3] 江苏省科技厅自然科学基金面上项目,模型结构及其应用,2021/07-2024/06,10万,在研,主持;
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,11501257,复形的Tate-Vogel上同调与相对上同调,2016/01-2018/12,18万元,已完成,主持;
[5] 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目,2016M600426,模型结构与复形的同调维数,2016/11-2018/10,8万元,已完成,主持。
[1] Gluing compactly generated t-structures over stalks of affine schemes, to appear in Israel J. Math. (with Michal Hrbek and Rongmin Zhu)
[2] The singularity category of an exact category applied to characterize Gorenstein schemes, Quarterly J. Math., 2023, 74:1-27. (with Lars Winther Christensen, Nanqing Ding, Sergio Estrada, Huanhuan Li and Peder Thompson)
[3] Auslander conditions and tilting-like cotorsion pairs, J. Algebra, 2023, 65: 220-234. (with Jian Wang, Yunxia Li and Jinyong Wu)
[4] Higher Auslander's defect and classifying substructures of n-exangulated categories, Appl. Categ. Structures, 2023, 31:15. (with Yajun Ma, Dongdong Zhang and Panyue Zhou)
[5] When the Schur functor induces a triangle-equivalence between Gorenstein defect categories, Sci. China Math., 2022, 10: 2019-2034. (with Huanhuan Li and Yuefei Zheng)
[6] Special precovering classes in comma categories, Sci. China Math., 2022, 65: 933-950. (with Haiyan Zhu)
[7] Lattice theoretic properties of aprroximating ideals, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 2022, 226: 106986. (with Xianhui Fu, Ivo Herzog and Haiyan Zhu)
[8] On the existence of Auslander-Reiten n-exangles in n-exangulated categories, Arkiv för Matematik, 2022, 60: 365-385. (with Jian He, Dongdong Zhang and Panyue Zhou)
[9] Two new classes of n-exangulated categories, J. Algebra, 2021, 568: 1-21. (with Dongdong Zhang and Panyue Zhou)
[10] Proper classes and Gorensteinness in extriangulated categories, J. Algebra, 2020, 551: 23-60. (with Dongdong Zhang and Panyue Zhou)
[11] When the kernel of a complete hereditary cotorsion pair is the additive closure of a tilting module, J. Algebra, 2019, 530: 94-113. (with Jian Wang and Yunxia Li)
[12] A model structure approach to the Tate-Vogel cohomology, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 2016, 220: 2240-2264. (with Nanqing Ding)
[13] Relative Tor functors for level modules with respect to a semidualizing bimodule, Algebr. Represent. Theory, 2016, 19: 579-597. (with Yuxian Geng)
[14] Duality pairs induced by Gorenstein projective modules with respect to semidualizingbmodules, Algebr. Represent. Theory, 2015, 18: 989-1007. (with Yuxian Geng and Nanqing Ding)