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来源 : 杭州师范大学 数学学院     作者 : 学院     浏览量:4405     时间 : 2021-08-11










B. Jiang, D. S. Yu, Approximation by Durrmeyer type Bernstein-Stancu polynomials in movable compact disks, Results in Math., 74(2019), Artical 28.

B. Jiang, D. S. Yu, On approximation by Stancu type Bernstein-Schurer polynomials in compact disks , Results in Math, 72(2017), 1623-1638.

B. Jiang, D. S. Yu, On approximation by Bernstein-Stancu polynomials in movable compact disks, Results in Math., 72(2017), 1535-1543.

虞旦盛, 周平, 由斜坡函数激发的神经网络逼近, 数学学报, 59(2016), 623-638.

虞旦盛, Bernstein算子对具有奇性函数的加权同时逼近,数学学报, 58(2015), 535-550.

M.L. Wang, D. S. Yu, P. Zhou, On the approximation by operators of Bernstein-Stancu types, Appl. Math. Comput., 246(2014), 79-87.

马国春,虞旦盛*,周平,单变量Sigomoidal型神经网络的逼近,数学学报,57(2014), 89-100.

D. S. Yu, Weighted approximation by modified Kantorovich-Bernstein operators, Acta Math. Hungar.,141(2013), 132-149.

D. S. Yu, Y. Zhao and P. Zhou, Error estimates for modified approximate approximation with Gaussian kernel. Calcolo, 50(2013), 195-208.

D. S. Yu, Approximation by neural networks with sigmoidal functions, Acta Math. Sinica, 29(2013), 2013-2026.

D. S. Yu and P. Zhou, A new class of Matrices and its applications to absolute summability factors theorem, Math. Comput. Modelling, 57(2013), 401-412.

D. S. Yu, Weighted approximation by rational operators for functions with singularities, Acta Math. Hungar. 136(2012),56-75.

H. Bor and D. S. Yu, A newer application of almost increasing and quasi monotone sequences, Appl. Math. Letter, 24(2011), 1347-1450

H. Bor and D. S. Yu, An application of quasi-monotone and almost increasing sequences, Appl. Math. Letter, 24(2011), 789-792.

D. S. Yu and G. Z. Zhou, A summability factors theorem for generalized absolute Cesaro summability, Math. Comput. Modelling, 53(2011), 832-838

D. S. Yu, P. Zhou and S. P. Zhou, Pointwise and global estimate for approximation by rational functions with prescribed numerator degree, J. Approx. Theory, 162(2010), 1347-1363.

虞旦盛, Shepard-Lagrange算子的逼近,数学学报,53(2010),97-108.

D. S. Yu, P. Zhou and S. P. Zhou, On relations among Fourier coefficients and best approximation, Science in China, 51(2008),1883-1894.

D. S. Yu, On a result of Flett for Cesaro matrices, Appl. Math. Letter. ,22(2009),1803-1809.

D. S. Yu and S. P. Zhou, Approximation by rational operators in spaces, Math. Nachr., 282(2009),1600-1618.

D. S. Yu, P. Zhou and S. P. Zhou, An application of MVBV condition to L^1 convergence of Fourier series of complex valued functions, Canadian Math. Bull.. 52 (2009), 627-636

D. S. Yu, Weighted approximation of functions with singularities by combinations of Bernstein operators, Appl. Math. Comput..206(2008), 906-918.

D. S. Yu, P. Zhou and S. P. Zhou, On determination of jumps in terms of the     Abel-Poisson mean of Fourier series, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 341 (2008), 12-23.

D. S. Yu and S. P. Zhou, A generalization of monotone condition and its application, Acta Math. Hungar., 115(2007), 247-267.

D. S. Yu, R. J. Le and S. P. Zhou, Remarks on convergence of trigonometric series with special varying coefficients, J. Math. Anal. Appl,.333(2007), 1128-1137.

D. S. Yu, P. Zhou and S. P. Zhou, On L^p integrability and convergence of trigonometric series, Studia Math., 182(2007), 215-226.

虞旦盛,周平,周颂平,最佳逼近和Fourier系数的等价关系,中国科学,37(2007), 1291-1302.

D. S. Yu and S. P. Zhou, On approximation by rational functions with prescribed numerator degree in spaces, Acta Math. Hungar.,111(2006),221-236


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