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来源 : 数学学院     作者 : 学院     浏览量:1747     时间 : 2021-08-11









1.Applications of Topological Data Analysis in Cancer Research,国际应用拓扑会议,河北师大,2021.8.1-2021.8.3

2.Evolving evolutoids and pedaloids of curves in Minkowski plane, 第七届全国青年拓扑学者论坛, 东北师大, 2021.7.17-2021.7.19

3.Singularities in Topological Data Analysis, 西交利物浦大学,2021.4.29

4.A Survey on Topological Data Analysis,第一届奇异子流形的几何拓扑青年学者论坛,东北师大(线上),2020.11.28-2020.11.29

5.Tangent developables and Darboux developables of framed curves, 第十六届国际实和复奇点理论研讨会,巴西圣保罗大学(线上),2020.11.23-2020.11.30

6.Envelope theory, evolutoids and pedaloids of spherical curves, 奇异子流形的拓扑、几何及相关问题研讨会,东北师大和牡师院(线上),2020.5.16-2020.5.18

7.A survey on singularity theory and singular submanifolds,哈师大,2019.12.26-2019.12.29

8.The singularities of special developable surfaces of frame curves in the Euclidean 3-space,第三届国际拓扑及其应用会议,四川大学,2019.11.08-2019.11.13

9.Envelope theory, evolutoids and pedaloids of spherical curves,第六届国际奇点理论及其应用会议,西班牙瓦伦西亚大学,2019.10.21-2019.10.25

10.Differential geometry of singular submanifolds from singularity theory viewpoint,浙江大学数学研究中心,2019.6.20

11.Pedal curves of frontals in the Euclidean plane,札幌超平面构型暑期会议,日本北海道大学,2016.8.8-2016.8.12


1.Yanlin Li, Zhigang Wang. Lightlike tangent developables in de Sitter 3-space. J. Geom. Phys. 2021, 164: 1-11.

2.Yanlin Li, Zhigang Wang, Tiehong Zhao. Geometric Algebra of Singular Ruled Surfaces. Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras. 2021, 31(2): 1-19.

3.Yanlin Li, Yushu Zhu, Qing-You Sun. Singularities and dualities of pedal curves in pseudo- hyperbolic and de Sitter space. Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 2021, 18(1):1-31.

4.Yanlin Li, Tiehong Zhao. Sharp generalized Seiffert mean bounds for the Toader mean of order 4. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 2021, 115(3): 1-15.

5.Li, Yanlin, Mehraj Ahmad Lone, and Umair Ali Wani. Biharmonic submanifolds of Kaehler product manifolds. AIMS Mathematics 6.9 (2021): 9309-9321.

6.Chen H, Huang Z, Chen L, Yanlin Li, et al. Characteristics of Early Death in Patients With Localized Nasopharyngeal Cancer: A Population-Based SEER Analysis. Frontiers in oncology, 2021, 11: 420.

7.Chen, H., Li, C., Zheng, L., Lu, W., Yanlin Li, Wei, Q. A machine learning based survival prediction model of high-grade glioma by integration of clinical and dose volume histogram parameters. Cancer medicine, 2021,10(8), 2774-2786.

8.Yanlin Li, Siyao Liu, Zhigang Wang. Tangent developables and Darboux developables of framed curves, Topology Appl. 2020, 107526: 1-17.

9.Yanlin Li, Zhigang Wang, Tiehong Zhao. Slant helix of order n and sequence of Darboux developables of principal-directional curves. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2020, 43: 9888-9903.

10.Yanlin Li, Qing-You Sun. Evolutes of fronts in the Minkowski plane. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2019, 42: 5416-5426.

11.Yanlin Li, Donghe Pei. Pedal curves of frontals in the Euclidean plane. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2018, 41: 1988-1997.

12.Yanlin Li, Donghe Pei, Takahashi M, Haiou Yu. Envelopes of Legendre curves in the unit spherical bundle over the unit sphere. Quart. J. Math. 2018, 69: 631-653.

13.Gangyu Zhao, Donghe Pei, Yanlin Li. Null surfaces of null Cartan curves in Anti-de Sitter 3-space. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl., 10 (2017), 1512-1523.

14.Yanlin Li, Donghe Pei. Pedal curves of fronts in the sphere. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 2016, 9(3): 836-844.

15.Yanlin Li, Donghe Pei. Evolutes of dual spherical curves for ruled surfaces. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 2016, 39: 3005-3015.


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