姓名: 程丽娟
职称: 副教授
邮箱: lijuan.cheng@hznu.edu.cn
[1] Cheng, Li-Juan, Thalmaier, Anton, Dimension-free Harnack inequalities for conjugate heat equations and their applications to geometric flows, Analysis&PDE, in press.
[2] Cheng, Li-Juan, Thalmaier, Anton and Wang Feng-Yu, Some inequalities on Riemannian manifolds linking Entropy, Fisher information, Stein discrepancy and Wasserstein distance,
Journal of Functional Analysis (2023), 285(5), 109997
[3] Chen, Qin-Qian; Cheng, Li-Juan; Thalmaier, Anton, Bismut-Stroock Hessian formulas and local Hessian estimates for heat semigroups and harmonic functions on Riemannian manifolds, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations (2023), 11(2), 685-713
[4] Cheng, Li Juan, Grong, Erlend and Thalmaier, Anton, Funtional inequalities on path space of sub-Riemannian manifolds, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications (2021), 210(112387), 1-30
[5] Cheng, Li Juan* and Thalmaier, Anton, Characterization of pinched Ricci curvature by functional inequalities, Journal of Geometric Analysis (2018), 28(3), 2312-2345
[6] Cheng, Li Juan* and Thalmaier, Anton, Spectral gap on Riemannian path space over static and evolving manifolds, Journal of Functional Analysis (2018), 274(4), 959-984
[7] Cheng, Li Juan, Thalmaier, Anton and Thompson, James, Functional inequalities on manifolds with non-convex boundary, Science China Mathematics (2018), 61(8), 1421-1436
[8] Cheng, Li Juan, Thalmaier, Anton and Thompson, James, Quantitative C1-estimates by Bismut formulae, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2018), 465(2), 803-813
[9] Cheng, Li Juan, Thalmaier, Anton and Thompson, James, Uniform gradient estimates on manifolds with a boundary and applications, Analysis and Mathematical Physics (2018), 8(4), 571-588
[10] Cheng, Li Juan* and Thalmaier, Anton, Evolution systems of measures and semigroup properties on evolving manifolds, Electronic Journal of Probability (2018), 23(20), 1-27
[11] Cheng, Li Juan*, Diffusion semigroup on manifolds with time-dependent metrics, Forum Mathematicum (2017), 29(4), 751-1002
[12] Cheng, Li Juan* and Zhang, Kun, Reflecting diffusion semigroup on manifolds carrying geometric flow, Journal of Theoretical Probability (2017), 30(4), 1334-1368
[13] Cheng, Li Juan*, Transportation-cost inequalities on path spaces over manifolds carrying geometric flows, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques (2016), 140(5), 541-561
[14] Cheng, Li Juan* and Wang, Yingzhe, Algebraic convergence rate for reflecting diffusion processes on manifolds with boundary, Potential Analysis (2016), 44(1), 91-107
[15] Chen, Xin, Cheng, Li Juan and Mao, Jing*, A probabilistic method for gradient estimates of some geometric flows, Stochastic Process. Appl. (2015), 125(6), 2295-2315
[16] Cheng, Li Juan*, An integration by parts formula on path space over manifolds carrying geometric flow, Science China Mathematics (2015), 58(7), 1511-1522
[17] Cheng, Li Juan*, The radial part of Brownian motion with respect to L-distance under Ricci flow, Journal of Theoretical Probability (2015), 28(2), 449-466
[18] Cheng, Li Juan* and Mao, Yong-Hua, Eigentime identity for one-dimensional diffusion processes, J. Appl. Probab. (2015), 52(1), 224-237
王颖喆 程丽娟 概率与数理统计习题精解 北京师范大学出版社
1. 非时齐流形上扩散半群的性质及其应用, 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (基金号11501508), 2016.01-2018.12, 21.3 万 . 主持, 结题
2. 流形上非自适应扩散过程的渐近稳定性, 浙江省自然科学青年基金 (基金号LQ16A010009), 2016.01-2018.12, 5万. 主持, 结题
3. 黎曼流形上关于热半群二阶导数的Bismut型公式及其应用, 浙江省自然科学基金项目(基金号LGJ22A010001), 2022.1.1-2024.12.31, 10万, 主持, 在研
Sep.9 2015 –Feb. 1, 2019, 卢森堡大学,博士后、助理研究员。合作导师: Anton Thalmaier
June 1 2013- July 31,2013, 德国比勒菲尔德大学,交流博士生。访问导师:Michael Röckner
February 12-14, Young researchers between geometry and stochastic analysis, 卑尔根,挪威,邀请报告
June 14-19, 2019, The 8th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians of 2019 (华人数学家大会),北京,45分钟邀请组报告
June 25-29, 2018, Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris, France)-Summer School, Information Theory: Inequalities, Distances and Analysis, 巴黎,参加.
July 24-28, 2017, The 39th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA2017), 莫斯科, 俄罗斯,邀请组报告.
July 10-14, 2017, The International Conference GeoProb 2017 in Luxembourg, 卢森堡,参加.
January 9-13, 2017, The Young Geometric Analysts’ Forum 2017 at TSIMF, 三亚, 参加.
July 11-15, 2016, Lake Como School of Advanced Studies: Geometric analysis on Riemannian and singular metric measure spaces, 意大利, 参加.